


无线网络技术的发展和应用,给网络建设和应用带来了诸多革命性的改变。本次论文的研究目的是怎样使用WDS功能满足我们学生以及教授的现有的要求。现如今,各个校园的有线网络早已普及,并且各种网络应用一应俱全,对各学校而言,在已经成熟的有线网络基础上扩展无线网络,是无线网络在校园中得到有效的应用有着重要意义。现商经馆内的每个房间都已经有有线网络,而无线网络则只有商大电子阅览室和个别教授的办公室才有,所以我们学生要想用到无线网络只能是在商大电子阅览室使用,这给老师以及学生带来了很大的不便之处。 在网络发展的现时代,我们希望我们不受网络的限制。利用无线路由器的桥接或WDS功能,便可以增加无线网络的覆盖范围,传输距离以及传输速率,使我们能够更方便快捷的使用无线网络。在该论文中本人使用了系统开发的最常用的一种方法SDLC方法来设计了一个符合我们上镜学部现有要求的系统。该系统经过测试也达到了预想的结果,在教室的各个角落都可以接收到无线网络且网速也达到了可以打开网页浏览网页的速度,并且该系统还可以分开控制教授用与学生用网络。这给我们学生的学习带来了方便,且给教授们上课也带来了方便。该系统恰恰满足了我们现有的需求。关键词:无线网络;无线路由器桥接;WDS功能

  • Development and application of wireless network technology, brings a lot of revolutionary change to the construction and application of network. The purpose of this dissertation is how to use the WDS function to meet our students and professors of the existing requirements. Nowadays, the wired network already campus popularity, and all kinds of goods are available in all varieties. The network application, the school, the expansion of wireless network in wired network already mature, the wireless network in the campus has been applied effectively has important significance. Each room is firm in have a wired network, wireless network is office only took the electronic reading room and the individual professors to students, so we want to use wireless network can only be used in the large electronic reading room, which brings great inconvenience to the teachers and students. In the current era of the development of the network, we hope the US without network restrictions. Using the wireless router bridge or WDS function, it can increase the coverage of wireless network, the transmission distance and transmission rate, so that we can use wireless network more convenient. A method of SDLC the most commonly used method in this thesis I use the system development to design a line with our current requirements of the system. After testing the system has reached the anticipated results, in every corner of the classroom will have access to the wireless network and the Internet to can open the webpage browsing webpage speed, and the system can also separate control professor and student network. This gives us the students' learning brings convenience to professors in class, and also brings convenience. The system is to meet our needs. Keywords: wireless network; wireless router bridge; WDS function



  • As a monopoly industry, China's tobacco industry plays an important role in the national economy, and it has been the first tax payer for ten years. As a tobacco company,Shanghai Tobacco (Group) Company develops steadily and orderly .

    However, in the context of economic globalization, especially with China's accession to the World Trade Organization in 2001 and signed The World Tobacco Control Framework Convention, China's tobacco industry will face a tough test——

    on one side , it has to compete with international bodies;on the other side, China's tobacco industry will face the dual challenges of domestic market and national policy.

    Considering such kind of situation , the company must learn about the current situation of the tobacco market ,analyse the Chinese tobacco industry's disadvantages, then forms a set of effective marketing strategy.

    This paper bases on the development of China's tobacco industry and The Shanghai Tobacco Group,analyses the advantages, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the company.Finally, considering those analysis above,I make some suggestions for marketing strategy of Shanghai tobacco group 's .

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  • 翻译:在党中央、国务院的高度重视下,学前教育的规模快速扩大。相应的,学前儿童的教育也越来越受到关注。学前儿童是人身心发展的关键时期,也是处于发展的起始阶段。而随着经济的快速发展,人民生活水平的逐步提高,艺术教育也慢慢得到了关注。音乐教育作为艺术教育的一个重要组成部分,它在教学中的地位也愈发的受到教育工作者的重视。并且音乐教育在学前儿童幼儿园课程体系中占据着举足轻重的作用,其根本目标就是旨在促进学前儿童身心全面和谐的发展。因此,我们应当去关注学前儿童音乐教育的发展,并做出进一步探讨。本文就学前儿童音乐教育中存在的问题及对策进行分析,拟结合实际情况,针对当前发展现状及存在问题进行一些思考并提出改进建议,旨在保证学前儿童音乐教育的不断发展。



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    The relationship between accounting regulation and tax law issues is a complex issue, market-oriented economic development in the course of the difference between the two will gradually have an adverse impact on economic development, how to better deal with the differences between the two has become China's economy reform process of the outstanding issues.。Differences in accounting standards and tax laws, and in the accounting and property tax measures taken by the different accounting and tax law, "the authenticity of the principle of" different, accounting "sound principle" and tax "payments to determine" the difference in accounting "importance of the principles "and tax" legal principle "and the accounting and tax 。differences on the" substance over form "understanding and implementation differen。Differences between accounting and tax accounting exist mainly due to the legislative goals and purposes of various tax, corporate accounting must adhere to the "accrual" basis, the enterprise must consider the International Accounting Standards, and economic globalization. Tax laws should be based on the provisions of this tax adjustmentces.

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摘 要我国的制造业是我国出口的主力军,大量的出口量,以及相对较低的进口量,造就了我国的贸易顺差。曾经我国制造业的原料成本低,人力资源充足,劳动成本低,吸引了大量的资金投到国内;为经济的增长起了重大的作用。而随着我国经济的快速发展;通货膨胀、人民币升值与物价与土地成本的提高,更使我国制造业的成本快速上升,使我国制造业的低成本优势逐渐减弱。而相对的,东南亚发展相对较差的国家凭着其低廉的成本,加大对外资的吸引,加速发展其国的制造业;走着中国的“老路子”。另一方面,发达国家在2008年金融危机后,认识到实体经济对其发达国家经济保持稳定的重要性而出台了“再工业化”战略;尤其在高端制造业板块的大量产业回流。而我国制造业由于长期处于国际分工的价值链的底层;以加工、再加工等基础产业为主,对高端智能化制造业的投入极少。故我国面临低端产业逐渐被东南亚国家蚕食,高端产业不能与发达国家竞争的现状。本文从我国制造业处于的现状进行研究,指出我国制造业遇到的困境与及其中深层次的原因;结合发达国家其工业化发展的经验与我国实际国情,对我国制造业的发展趋势进行论证。第一章是绪论。介绍本文研究制造业发展趋势的选题背景与意义、研究对象和目的、研究方法与思路、文献综述。第二章是着重于分析我国制造业的现状。从我国制造业的国际竞争力入手,分析我国制造业目前遇到的困境,结合世界分工价值链方面分析我国制造业在发展过程中的总体水平。第三章论述发达国家工业发展过程中的经验,尤其以德国工业4.0的发展经验为主,对我国制造业的发展状况进行论证。第四章是全文的总结,总结我国制造业的发展方向与注意事项。关键词:制造业,转型,分工,价值链,发展趋势

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  • Summary

    my country's manufacturing industry is the main force in my country's exports. A large number of exports and relatively low imports have created my country's trade surplus. In the past, my country's manufacturing industry had low raw material costs, sufficient human resources, and low labor costs, which attracted a large amount of capital to invest in the country; it played a major role in economic growth. With the rapid development of my country's economy; inflation, RMB appreciation, and rising prices and land costs have caused the cost of my country's manufacturing industry to rise rapidly, and the low-cost advantage of my country's manufacturing industry has gradually weakened.

    In contrast, the relatively poorly developed countries in Southeast Asia have increased their attraction to foreign investment and accelerated the development of their manufacturing industries with their low costs; they are following China's "old path." On the other hand, after the 2008 financial crisis, developed countries recognized the importance of the real economy for maintaining the stability of the developed countries' economies and introduced a "reindustrialization" strategy; especially in the high-end manufacturing sector, a large number of industries returned.

    However, because my country's manufacturing industry has long been at the bottom of the value chain of the international division of labor; it is mainly based on basic industries such as processing and reprocessing, and its investment in high-end intelligent manufacturing is minimal. Therefore, our country is facing a situation where low-end industries are gradually being eroded by Southeast Asian countries, and high-end industries cannot compete with developed countries.

    This article studies the current situation of my country's manufacturing industry and points out the difficulties encountered by my country's manufacturing industry and its deep-seated reasons; combined with the industrialization development experience of developed countries and my country's actual national conditions, the development trend of my country's manufacturing industry is demonstrated.

    The first chapter is the introduction. Introduce the topic background and significance, research object and purpose, research methods and ideas, and literature review of this article to study the development trend of manufacturing industry.

    The second chapter focuses on analyzing the current situation of my country's manufacturing industry. Starting from the international competitiveness of my country's manufacturing industry, it analyzes the current difficulties encountered by my country's manufacturing industry, and analyzes the overall level of my country's manufacturing industry in the development process in combination with the world's division of labor value chain.

    The third chapter discusses the experience of industrial development in developed countries, especially the development experience of German Industry 4.0, to demonstrate the development of my country's manufacturing industry.

    The fourth chapter is a summary of the full text, summarizing the development direction and precautions of my country's manufacturing industry.

    Keywords: manufacturing, transformation, division of labor, value chain, development trend

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    In recent years, the rapid growth of motor vehicles in Shenzhen, traffic congestion, traffic pollution is becoming more and more serious. As of December 20, 2014, Shenzhen vehicle fleet of more than3140000 units, nearly 5 years the average annual growth rate of about 16%, per kilometre of roadvehicles about 500 vehicles, the density of the country's first. Among them, in 2013, about 370000 new units, the growth rate reached 16.5%; in 2014 added about 550000 vehicles, the growth rate of20.9%. Along with the sustained and rapid growth of motor vehicles, traffic congestion timeincreasing, the traffic congestion areas continue to expand. In December last year, the original SARexpressway, trunk road average flow rate of 165000 a day, morning and evening peak flow of 19200 vehicles per day of 4 hours, accounting for 11.66% of daily flow. Since the outer limit orderissued, the original SAR of 186000 a day, morning and evening peak flow of 24000 vehicles per day, accounting for 12.90% the proportion of commuter traffic flow, the peak of the rush hour traffichas increased, increased efficiency, in this context, the 2015 provisions of the limit line to ShenzhenShenzhen car restriction rules promulgated. According to the Shenzhen municipal foreign car limit line, the field plate shall be in accordance with the provisions of the car route during the morning and evening peak and area of travel. The Shenzhen foreign cars limit line for the latest news,February 1st, the morning rush to work (7:00~9:00), (17:30~19:30) during the evening peak, all the way in Shenzhen, Luohu District, Futian District, Yantian District, Nanshan District 4 administrativeregion, small, mini passenger cars in Shenzhen issued a motor vehicle license plate shall be run according to the the provisions of the route and area. 2015 Shenzhen restrictions on Shenzhen foreign cars limit line sections and the time limit prescribed above, large and medium-sized passenger car is not restricted, the truck into the Shenzhen city roads should apply for permits in accordance with the provisions of. The notice of violation of the provisions of the vehicle driversfined 300 yuan, a penalty of 3 points. 2015 Shenzhen limit line since February 1st, systemmonitoring to deep plate of passenger cars in Shenzhen limit line road, time limit line driving record,the first second times, not punishment, since third time the punishment according to law. Shenzhenimported vehicle limit line for the latest news, please pay attention to the Shenzhen traffic police bureau. The vehicle is the most important security, suggested by Zhongmin insurance network forquality insurance and accident insurance products.

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