问:快毕业了 老师让写毕业设计 可是不知道咋写 所以哪位大哥有现成的论文 给我一份吧 邮箱1054689987@qq。
- 答:一发到你的邮箱。。请去看看。。
- 答:网上大把的,随便选一个命题,然后加一些数据,自己整合一下就好了。
- 答:你好!
- 答:机械类毕业设计类资料你可宏码以百度搜索一下九爱图纸或者9icad,网站里面有上万机械图差绝带纸和虚芦上千套机械毕业设计(图纸+说明书),相信这些资料对你做毕业设计一定会有帮助的。
- 答:现在的论文大多都要钱的,免费的很少啊。我都找了好长时间了,是关于减速器壳的工艺渗液设计。都要做喊扮钱的纯灶,郁闷!
- 答:Overhead crane bridge crane can be divided into ordinary, simple beam bridge crane and metallurgical three special crane. mon crane lifting trolley, bridge run institutions, the bridge crane metal structure diagram into a group. Crab and the hoisting mechanism, trolley traveling agencies and small frame of three parts. Lifting bodies, including the motor, brake, reducer, drum and pulleys. Motor through reducer, driving drum rotation, so that rope around the drum or from the roll down to lift heavy objects. Is supporting for small frame and installation of lifting mechanism and the car bodies and other parts of the machine running